Dear Grandchildren:
It’s closing in on another year and it’s unbelievable how quick the months fly by. Writing these letters to you has been a wonderful experience along with hearing your feedback in one way or another. Next March, I believe these letters will be going on three years.
One of the most destructive myths in the American culture today is that we are entitled to a great life. That somehow, somewhere, someone (certainly not us) is responsible for filling our lives with happiness, exciting career options, a wonderful house, a perfect family, and on and on.
But the truth from all these letters to you is: Only one person is responsible for the quality of life you live. Yes, that person is you!
If you want to be successful in all these areas, “you” have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in life. This includes the level of achievements, the results you want to produce, the quality of your relationships, the state of your health and physical fitness, your income, your debts, your feelings–everything!
This is not easy. Life is not easy. It takes hard work, focus, planning, and, many times, working through our setbacks. It’s easy to get down on ourselves and get discouraged.
In fact, most of us have been conditioned to blame someone or something outside of ourselves for the parts of our life we don’t like. We can easily blame our parents, our bosses, our friends, the media, our co-workers, our spouse, the weather, the economy or anything or anyone we can pin the blame on.
We never want to look at the real problem which is ourselves.
There is a wonderful story about a man walking one night and he came upon another man down on his knees looking for something under the streetlight. The passerby asked what the other man was looking for. He answered that he is looking for his lost key. The passerby offered to help and got down on his knees and helped him search for the key. After an hour of searching, he said, “We’ve looked everywhere for it and we haven’t found it. Are you sure that you lost it here?”
The other man replied, “No, I lost it in my front yard, but there is more light out here under the street light.”
It’s time to stop looking outside yourself for the answers to why you haven’t created the life and results you want! For it is you who creates the quality of life and the results you produce.
Yes, You!
To achieve major successes in life and to achieve those things that are most important to you—you must assume 100% responsibility for you life. Nothing less will do!
This morning, when Grandma and I were having our coffee, I read from the 4th chapter of Romans. It explained that Abraham was the father of our faith and Paul explained (in that chapter) that we have to do our part, but we also walk in faith with God who created us. Through our hard work plus our faith, God produces a life worth living for. This chapter explains that God helps us produce the results, so we can praise him.
As I write this letter as a seventy-four-year-old grandfather, I want you all to know life is always about doing your best and trusting God for the results. Even though my body is aging– I creak here and there; I tire more easily, sometimes sleep poorly, and eat less– I’m being renewed inside constantly. Yes, I’m motivated most of the time to learn new things about God and how he wants to use me in my remaining years.
Yes, you must take personal responsibility for your life! You cannot change the circumstances, the weather, the wind, but you can change yourself!
Until next month,
I love you,