Takes a Team to Prepare for a Wedding at Sonshine Barn Wedding and Event Center

November 26, 2022 Dear Grandchildren: Today, I’d like to share about our business, Sonshine Barn Wedding and Event Center. It was about seven years ago when we launched our business to serve a couple and their families, when we converted our farm into a wedding event center. When we made this decision, I really didn’t comprehend what we were […]

One Trait You Need to See Your Dream Fulfilled

October 2022, Dear Grandchildren, Jim Rohn stated, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change your circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” One of the most pervasive myths in the American culture today is that we are “entitled” to a great life-that somehow, somewhere, someone, is responsible for filling our lives with […]

Why Capitalism Works

This month, I’d like to share why over the last 245 years, how the free market, private property, and democratic capitalism have always been what makes America great. They are part of the freedoms and individual liberties that the Founding Fathers sought to protect when they wrote our Bill of Rights. Because of these freedoms, Americans created some of […]

Four Needs of All Human Beings

What we as parents can do to nurture our children

Dear Grandchildren: Congratulations to Kyle and Jaclyn for bringing their new baby, Vivian Therena, to the world on January 31st. Big brother, Maverick, thinks she’s pretty special. This month I would like to continue talking to you, parents, about raising those precious children of yours. Jimmy Evans writes in his marriage book, Marriage on the Rock, the […]

Are You Living By The Rules?

Dear Grandchildren: I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and your new year will be filled with much fun. Great-Grandma Elsa will be celebrating her 97thbirthday on January 10th.  She’s doing great and sharp as a tack. Happy birthday, Mom! You’re the greatest! Mom shared with me that on November 20th, her and Grandpa would’ve celebrated their […]

Why Honoring Authority is Vital to Success

Dear Grandchildren: This month I’d like to talk to you about authority. It can be a very confusing subject, but it’s very important for you to understand. Let me share with you a scripture that talks about “all” authority. Romans 13:1-2 NKJV: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except […]

The Key to Obtaining Success in Your Life

Dear Grandchildren: It’s closing in on another year and it’s unbelievable how quick the months fly by. Writing these letters to you has been a wonderful experience along with hearing your feedback in one way or another. Next March, I believe these letters will be going on three years. One of the most destructive myths in the American […]

Keys to Establishing a Life Plan

Dear Grandchildren: I hope you are thinking of setting goals for your life. I’d call it, “Designing Your Future”. Yes, we need motivation to accomplish our dreams and sometimes we need inspiration to spur us to achieve those goals. Maybe a better word for setting goals is having a plan. Think about it for a minute. What […]

Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Dear Grandchildren: I can’t believe this summer is about over and we’re ready for the beautiful time of fall, school, and football. I know Gavin is ready for football! Today’s letter is about setting goals and of course, your company. Setting goals is easy but accomplishing them is the hard part. We all have desires […]

Three Keys to Living Out Your Purpose

Dear Grandchildren: Hopefully, you have been using your greatest power in a wonderful way this past month. For going into the month of August, I’d like to talk about realizing and living out your purpose. Most people don’t have a clue what this means. If you ask people what their purpose is, I’m sure you would […]