March 26, 2022
Dear Grandchildren,
I’ve been meeting with Devin and Ryley for their July 9th wedding, so I’m inspired to write about powerful families.
All families have weaknesses and strengths. We often focus on our problems and not enough on our strengths. In fact, most people are unaware of their family’s strengths.
Think about what strengths your family has. There is no right way to be a family. The perfect family doesn’t exist. But here are six qualities that are common in emotionally healthy families.
- Commitment to the family. The couple must first commit to trust, honesty, and faithfulness that will continue within the family. You and I are a pair, no matter what!
- Appreciation and affection for one another. There must be a general caring for each other. They must have love and respect that can grow into friendship. The home has to have laughter and humor.
- Positive communication. A positive family can share their feelings with one another. Giving compliments raises everyone’s self-confidence. The family members agree to disagree, to avoid blame and to compromise by worshiping the best idea.
- Positive families learn how to spend quality time together. Good things take time and enjoying one another must be a desired goal for the family. Sharing “fun” times together has a wonderful effect on everyone.
- A sense of spiritual well-being. Faith in God can grow into faith in one another. Having common values will help families get through difficult times. Having a faith in God can help to feel you’re not alone in life.
- The ability to cope with conflict and stress. It’s normal for every family to deal with conflict and stress. How you deal with them is the question. Will you resolve conflict by dealing with it honestly, fairly, and immediately?
The family is perhaps society’s oldest and most resilient institution. From the beginning of the world, people have grouped themselves into families to find emotional, physical, and communal support. Families can provide intimacy and closeness. The key is how individuals can work together to develop and maintain satisfying personal relationships, within and outside of the family. The goal of sustaining healthy, happy relationships is worthwhile.
Always realize how much I love you,